karangan ini gw buat untuk tugas LIA, kalo ada salah-salah, maap. bahasa inggris gw jg paspasan kokz.. zzzz
Nowadays, many people use technology. Technology is advancing from time to time. Technology makes our life easier. Imagine, long time ago, before technology comes to human life, if people wanted to go to the different country or different city, they had to walk in days or in months. If people wanted to count, they didn’t have the calculator or abacus yet, they had to count their sheeps or goats with taking stones and put them in a bag. And many things that happened before the technology existed were so difficult to do. So, we have to agree that technology brings benefits to our life. There are at least 3 technological advancements that important and their benefits to human kind.
First of all is internet. We can surf the internet, chat with friends or old mates, and we can know the news from around the world in a very short time. We can compare this to people who lives in an era before there was a technology, they kept in touch with each other by send a letter and they had to wait for days or months to get the newest news. So Internet helps us so much. The Internet, sometimes called simply "the Net," is a worldwide system of computer networks - a network of networks in which users at any one computer can, if they have permission, get information from any other computer (and sometimes talk directly to users at other computers). There are so many facilities that we can get from internet, first, there is E-mail that allow us to send messages to friends. We can also chat with them live. And there is Web browsing, The appearance of a particular Web site may vary slightly depending on the browser you use. We can search for information we want to know and we can search the newest news from around the world. We can search images, download ringtones or mp3s, and we can use websites like facebook, friendster, myspace to keep in touch with our friends or to know new people from around the globe.
Secondly is genetic engineering. Genetic engineering, recombinant DNA technology, genetic modification/manipulation (GM) and gene splicing are terms that apply to the direct manipulation of an organism's genes. So, that isn’t possible to have a baby that we want. Genetic engineering can be used to treat genetic disease such as Tay Sachs. Human genetic engineering has the potential to change human beings' appearance, adaptability, intelligence, character, and behaviour. It may potentially be used in creating more dramatic changes in humans. There are many unresolved ethical issues and controversial debate about genetic engineering. I, personally, don’t support the ones who want to make the genetic engineering to change humankind, because there will widen the gap between the rich and the poor.
Finally, the other technological advancement is transportation things like car, plane, train, motorcycle, ship, etc. We can go to many places that we want in shorter time. Now, we can go to other country in hours. Long time ago, before there was a technology, how many days or months will we need to go to other country or to cross the ocean ? Remember, there were not any planes or ships. Long time ago, the fuel of the car was coal and it’s speed was just 5 km/hour. Now, usual cars can run in 100 km/hour and more. There are also speedcars or F1 cars. They can run in about 300 km/hour. Plane, train, and other transportations are advancing too from time to time. From the first plane that created and designed by Wright Brothers that was too simple with simple machines to turn on the propellers to modern plane with jet machine that can fly so fast. That is an example to prove that technology is advancing from time to time.
In conclusion, tecnological advancement bring us so many benefits to our life. Beside 3 technological advancements that I’ve said, there are so much other technological advancement like mp3 player, GPS (global positioning system), television, etc. We have to agree, that technology makes our life easier and bring benefits to human life. So, do not waste technology. We can use it to help our life. Of course, we have to use more money to enjoy it, but I believe, technology will be cheaper so all people from the poor to the rich can reap the benefits of it. And the best thing is technology is advancing from time to time. So, why don’t we use it now??
hello guys, hope u enjoy my blog

Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009
the benefits of technological advancement
Diposting oleh nadhira sp di 15.08
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